Speedier traveling on planets?


New member
Sep 5, 2023
With no planetary surface vehicles, what's the fastest way to move around the surface? It can take so long to get from A to B on some planets and it's driving me nuts :(
Yeh it can seem a bit slow but you can speed things up by using a skip booster jetpack and using that to propel forwards instead of upwards. I would make sure you have one of those equipped.
Yeh it can seem a bit slow but you can speed things up by using a skip booster jetpack and using that to propel forwards instead of upwards. I would make sure you have one of those equipped.
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It seems the best way to get around is using a boost skip jetback and then use that to skip around the surface as you can push yourself forwards as @PCGeek says. Works really well on low gravity planets.
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