
  1. H

    PC on ETH Stormlash

    Not to sure what an ETH, high ED is worth. Any suggestions?
  2. S

    [SC] [ISO] PC ISO Eth. Thresher 4 sockets / offering Vex or more

    Hello everyone, looking for an etheral Thresher with 4 sockets, full or emtpy does not matter Offering at least Vex for it. If it has enhanced damage surely more just name your price :cool:
  3. C

    [SC] [FT] PC Godly Eth Upp'd Shaftstop for 10 Jah or 10 Ber

    218 Ed 2404 Defense 2 Ed from perfect. 18 Defense from perfect. Zod'd 10 Ber or 10 Jah
  4. P


    Hello I was just wondering what my ETH perfect Ribcracker with 300ED and a Zod in it is worth??
  5. S


    WTB -ETH superior sacred armor 13-15ed% 4os or non -ETH superior lacquered plate 13-15ed% 4os or non -ETH superior archon plate 13-15ed% 4os or non
  6. D

    [SC] PC N 4 os eth cv

    N 4 os eth cv --> tell me price
  7. T

    [FS] PS4 - Ethereal unique - Hotspur boots

    Ethereal hotspur boots looking for other unique for trade
  8. Season 24: Ethereal Memory

    Season 24: Ethereal Memory